From: Mark Olson on
Twibil wrote:

> More importantly; the ACLU -now listen closely here- does *not* render
> judicial decisions. All the ACLU does is take interesting cases to
> court and present their evidence.

Yes, that's pretty clear, sort of in the 'news flash- water is wet'
category. Is there any reason why you are so didactically pointing
out that particular bit of undisputed information at this point?

From: Twibil on
On Mar 8, 6:01 pm, BryanUT <nestl...(a)> wrote:
> WUT? A Repubican supporting the ACLU?  Admit it Pete, you are a closet
> liberal.

Naw. I'm an old-fashioned Goldwater Republican who actually thinks
that big government has too much power (and it gains more every
minute) and that the people don't have *enough* to counterbalance it.

If that means allying with liberals in common cause on some points,
then hoo-ray for left-right alliances.

> Take YOUR party back from the whack jobs. Please.

I wish. Either side trying to pretend that *everything* the loyal
opposition proposes must needs be either utter betrayal or a sign of
the coming apoclaypse is both stupid and -eventually- suicidal.

See California's grid-locked state government for an example of what
the Federal government is heading towards.
From: Twibil on
On Mar 8, 6:05 pm, saddlebag <saddle...(a)> wrote:
> Any group defending the Constitution would have a hard time standing
> up for laissez-faire gun laws when the Constitution is quite clear
> that the intent of the provisional amendment was the need for armed
> military volunteers at a time before we collectively paid for a
> standing military.

Uh, perhaps you missed the part where I pointed out that it's the
*courts* which make such judgements? ( You somehow seem to have got
the notion that I said "Saddlebag" makes those decisions, and, thank
Ghu, you don't. )

In fact, The Supremes have recently opined that Americans *do* have a
right to protect themselves with firearms, and that decision had zilch
to do with a militia.
From: tomorrow on
On Mar 8, 4:43 pm, Twibil <nowayjo...(a)> wrote:

> Never expect logic when you're dealing with the masses. Them asses.

Some might say that they need the help of an enlightened government to
help them see things properly....

From: Twibil on
On Mar 8, 6:24 pm, Mark Olson <ols...(a)tiny.invalid> wrote:
> > More importantly; the ACLU -now listen closely here- does *not* render
> > judicial decisions. All the ACLU does is take interesting cases to
> > court and present their evidence.
> Yes, that's pretty clear, sort of in the 'news flash- water is wet'
> category.  Is there any reason why you are so didactically pointing
> out that particular bit of undisputed information at this point?


Many folks seem to think that the ACLU's having an opinion equates to
an ability to make Law.