From: Twibil on
On Mar 25, 6:10 pm, BryanUT <nestl...(a)> wrote:
> But alas, intelligent conservative discourse has been hijacked.

Yup. And you're replying to one of the highjackers.

He admittedly doesn't ride a bike, he has no interest in them, he's
said repeatedly that he thinks bikers behave like idiots, and he only
posts to Reeky on political threads -where he invariably takes the
most nutjob-right position he can possibly express.

In short; he's a self-appointed political operative who's taken it
upon himself to spam Reeky in hopes of converting others to his brain-
dead beliefs.

It's the only reason he's here.
From: Twibil on
On Mar 25, 11:19 pm, Robert Bolton <robertboltond...(a)> wrote:
> >But alas, intelligent conservative discourse has been hijacked.  I ask
> >all the true conservatives to take their party back and offer
> >something other than fear and obstructionism.  Condemn those in your
> >own party that offer no ideas, condemn those that threaten physical
> >violence, ignore those chasing ratings on their talk show.
> I think there's spittle on the inside of my monitor.

Funny thing about hijackers: in their opinions everything is always
someone else's fault; never theirs.

Any arguments to the contrary -no matter how accurate- only go to
prove that the other guy is nuts.
From: Vito on
"S'mee" <stevenkeith2(a)> wrote
[ Sadly you and the un idiots are wrong...the weapons were there. I
[ know they were there in 91' I know most were still there as late a
[ 98-99. Sorry but on this one you and the socialist (another name for
[ marxists)bastards are wrong...those weapons were likely still there
[ untill at least 2001. Now if they got buried in the sands, shipped to
[ syria or N. Korea I dunno. BUT they were still there...the Czech's
[ proved they were there in 90-91.

Nobody disputes that Saddam had WMDs thru the first Gulf War. He wasn't
ordered to dispose of them until circa 1991. The question is when he got
rid of them. He obviously did so at some point because we have found zip
evidence of them after seven years of looking. I'm curious to know how you
know they were still there in 98-99 or 2001.

From: 83LowRider on

"saddlebag" wrote:

> Too bad you have nothing rational to say about them.
> Apparently you've convinced yourself that we can add 15,000,000 people
> to the Medicaid roles for free, or near-free. The governors of every
> state disagree with you. California says it will cost them $ 8
> billion. Arizona says they'll take a $ 4 billion hit. Just for a
> couple of examples.

Do you have a reference?
14 states have already filed suit.

38 states total are expected to, and many such as VA, have
already enacted laws, or are in the course of doing so, to
ward off any national policy. With a supermajority, the dems
could not pass this bill. Once Scott Brown was elected in
Mass. they had to bribe many house members to circumvent
the rules. Nebraska, Louisiana, Florida and even here in
Tennessee, lawmakers were given millions in bribe monies
for their vote. Pelosi has an 11% favorable rating, Reid is at 8.
The election of Brown spoke very loudly on this subject when
he took the former seat of Ted Kennedy. All this went ignored,
along with the fact that virtually no one in the house or senate
even read the bill. Add to that, the fact that the public was
against the bill in its entirety and it still was FORCED thru.
SS receieved 70 republican votes, Medicare got 81. The
fact that not a single republican signed off on this shows
that their constituents are against it. So the public didn't
like it, the dems as a supermajority couldn't pass it, the
republicans are against it, small business is against it,
and yet you would tell us to stand aside and let Obama
work his magic.

From: saddlebag on
On Mar 26, 4:33 pm, "Vito" <v...(a)> wrote:
> "S'mee" <stevenkei...(a)> wrote
> [ Sadly you and  the un idiots are wrong...the weapons were there. I
> [ know they were there in 91' I know most were still there as late a
> [ 98-99. Sorry but on this one you and the socialist (another name for
> [ marxists)bastards are wrong...those weapons were likely still there
> [ untill at least 2001. Now if they got buried in the sands, shipped to
> [ syria or N. Korea I dunno. BUT they were still there...the Czech's
> [ proved they were there in 90-91.
> Nobody disputes that Saddam had WMDs thru the first Gulf War. He wasn't
> ordered to dispose of them until circa 1991.  The question is when he got
> rid of them.  He obviously did so at some point because we have found zip
> evidence of them after seven years of looking.  I'm curious to know how you
> know they were still there in 98-99 or 2001.

He don't cause they wasn't. Sure Marines occasionally dug up a barrel
or three of some ancient stuff that had long since gone inert. It was
just slightly more dangerous than McDonald's meat patty. After all, a
terrorist could roll a barrel at an American and cause some serious