From: steve auvache on
In article <200912211946072196-doesnotcompute(a)gmailcom>,
doetnietcomputeren <doesnotcompute(a)> writes
>On 2009-12-21 19:28:07 +0100, steve auvache <dont_spam(a)> said:
>>>>> It's not a deterrent.
>>>> The entire history of mankind demonstrates that punishment, be it
>>>> capital, corporal or any other kind, appears not to be a deterrent for
>>>> some. The solution, if ever there is to be one, seems to lie in
>>>> preventing "crime" in the first place.
>>> <Auvache in rare lucid moment shocker>
>> Typewriters, monkeys, etc.
>Is that some sort of apology I see?

No, I am olde skool ukrm, you won't get the S word out of me.

steve auvache
From: Leszek Karlik on
On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 19:33:40 +0100, 'Hog <sm911SPAM(a)>

> If it has no beneficial effect then why do the 'Merkin public support it?


Leszek 'Leslie' Karlik
NTV 650
From: 'Hog on
doetnietcomputeren wrote:
> On 2009-12-21 19:33:40 +0100, "'Hog" <sm911SPAM(a)>
> said:
>>>> And I suspect the HOW of the sentence also has a lot to do with the
>>>> deterrent effect.
>>> The prospect of ending up in Fulsom, would be enough to keep me from
>>> getting caught doing anything that would warrant me going there.
>>> For those that are prepared to go there, or to death row, I doubt
>>> that stoning, hanging drawing and quartering or being fed bleeding
>>> feet first to pirhanas is going to make much difference. Certainly
>>> being faced by an angry mob of a dozen of you wouldn't worry them
>>> in the slightest.
>> I see what you are saying. It doesn't change the fact that it will
>> deter some and prevents re-offending.
>> If it has no beneficial effect then why do the 'Merkin public
>> support it?
> Many of the Merkins don't support it. It's only available in something
> like 37 states and has been abolished in some and ruled
> unconstitutional in several others.

In terms of percentage of the population? Around 69% I believe.


From: 'Hog on
Andy Bonwick wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 16:11:26 -0000, "'Hog"
> <sm911SPAM(a)> wrote:
>> Champ wrote:
> snip>
>>> you appear to be genuinely proposing capital punishment for 3 crimes
>>> against property.
>>> You're either a troll or deeply unpleasant.
>> I'm suggesting liquidating those who systematically disrupt and try
>> to destroy the lives of those around them. Over and over. Resisting
>> all efforts to educate them.
> While I'd suggest a good kicking would be in order I think the 'final
> solution' is a step too far.
>> More likely you who is rather out of touch with the feelings of a
>> rather large section of the population.
>> Naturally one has to agree with Capital Punishment and Retribution.
>> Polls suggest 87 to over 90% of people do in specific circumstances.
> I think you're being a bit selective here because though some people
> might well agree with topping murderers or child molesters I think
> you'd struggle to find more than one in a million who'd do the same to
> a burglar.

Depends how you construct the question. Perhaps also on whether they had
recently been burgled.

The penalty was not for burglary but on repeated offending.


From: 'Hog on
Leszek Karlik wrote:
> On Mon, 21 Dec 2009 19:33:40 +0100, 'Hog
> <sm911SPAM(a)> wrote:
> [...]
>> If it has no beneficial effect then why do the 'Merkin public
>> support it?
> <boggle>

It was a question. See?
