From: Thomas on
On Apr 19, 10:49 am, Adrian <toomany2...(a)> wrote:
> Thomas <keens...(a)> gurgled happily, sounding much like they were
> saying:
> > The only animal more stupid than a chicken is a turkey, and that's
> > purely a body mass/brain weight issue.
> > You are what you eat.
> Are you a vegetarian?

Well, I've been told I have water on the brain, that I'm an airhead,
and that if I keep riding the way I do, I'll wind up a vegetable, but
for certain, while occasionally I may show discretion, I ain't no
chicken. I am also not a fat cow nor a porker, and I try real hard
not to be a snake. On occasion, I am a bit crabby, and after a few
days on the road I get a little fishy, but that's about it.

From: Thomas on
On Apr 19, 11:23 am, totallydeadmail...(a) (The Older
Gentleman) wrote:
> Next: chickens are unbelievably stupid. Words can't describe.

See, Donnie? See?

From: malc on
Donnie wrote:
> Well, there seems to be some serious research being done in the
> Canning household re chickens and the keeping thereof.
> So, anyone on here keep them and have any thoughts on the best way to
> do so?

We keep them too. We've got 4 in a home made ark stylee run. The run's about
12 feet long by 4 feet wide with the roosting area over the run at one end.
A couple of handles and it's easy to move with 2 people. When you see what
runs are recommended commercially for 4 chickens you see that ours have lots
of room in comparison. We would let them out but we have seen foxes during
the day so they get let out when there's someone in the garden (which
usually means at least a couple of hours of freedom a day). The run gets
moved every day so they get fresh grass to scratch in.

Ours are three bog standard red/brown layers and one silky cross and we get
3 or 4 eggs per day during the spring and summer and a couple per day in the
winter. We don't feed them organic food, standard layer pellets will do with
kitchen scraps thrown in as well.

Here's a good place to visit


Rusted and ropy.
Dog-eared old copy.
Vintage and classic,
or just plain Jurassic:
all words to describe me.

From: ogden on
totallydeadmailbox(a) (The Older Gentleman) wrote:
> Just don't underestimate foxes.

It's not as if they have a reputation for being cunning or anything.
From: Grimly Curmudgeon on
We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the
drugs began to take hold. I remember alan(a) (A.Lee) saying
something like:

>Make sure they are secure at night, else a fox will have them.

All too true. Neighbour round the corner 'ere lost forty chickens to a
fox a month ago.
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